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Be The Light!!!

Its the dawning of a brand new day.

Spring is just over the horizon. We are awakening from a long season of hibernation.

When I think about the last two years and how much we have endured in every facet of our lives, I'm humbled and grateful.....EVERYDAY!

We take nothing and no one for granted!

As an educator, I'm often times looking for ways to give visualization for learning to support academic growth and comprehension. The word 'Light' has multiple meanings. One that all have in common is how light encourages a visible change. (point of view, illuminate, start on fire, step down).

We are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Regardless of how we transform to 'light' or 'to the light', it requires a sense of commitment, dedication and consistency. Imagine that we embody 'the light', when we walk in a room, speak out about social injustice or provide acts of kindness. It follows us and we pay it forward.

We are MARCHing into THE LIGHT.

Thank you for continued support of ShaunaSoul.

Take an hour each day and commit to self-care, create opportunities for joy and share with others.

Dance Fitness classes will resume Monday, February 28th @ 7pm for 30 minutes and will continue into the Spring........AND ITS FREE.

Sign up by clicking 'Book Online' tab from the website. It would be great to see you.

Blessing for a glorious day.

LaShauna. (Shauna Monique)

'The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee'. Numbers 6:25

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